Saturday, June 26, 2010

Never a Master of Photoshop...

I'm listening to Dream Theater and about to pick up some Fable II. I've played through it twice, and completed most of the quests. I'm looking forward to finishing the second expansion since I only recently purchased it with the money I don't have. It wasn't expensive, I'm just broke.

Last night I decided to work on Pyraliss for awhile. Although I had a sketch of the World Map of Pyraliss, I'd never quite finalized it so that's what I did last night. I also thought it might be nice for readers to be able to see where the characters were throughout key points of the story, so I made sprites of all the characters and will be plotting them on the map accordingly as the story progresses. Here's a little preview of what can be expected:

I think it's a nice way to keep track of their travels, but I'm also very silly. I'm going to work on pages later when Joe's family comes back from couch shopping and I'm forced to relinquish the TV.

*The sky is over...*

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