On another note keeping track of finances is both annoying and infuriating. It seems like every time you spend a penny, somewhere in the universe they are charging you a dollar for doing so. Banks are horrible, scamming monstrosities trying to spin you into confusion. Then, when you're bewildered enough they start throwing mysterious charges at you, and you're too perplexed to even question them. "I don't remember making tha... oh it's from where? But I've never really been there... oh so you're saying it's because... but that doesn't make sense... I guess... maybe... uh... whatever, here's all my money. Solve it."
But on a lighter and more positive note, I have a "pocket" watercolor set and a watercolor Moleskin notebook now and I'm loving the heck out of it.
Here's a giant tree to prove it!
It's quite fun to fiddle with. I've been working on this particular piece for two days, I hope I can finish it by the end of the week and then it can end up on my DeviantArt.
I've also been enjoying my new Moleskin sketchbook. I try to sketch in it whenever I have the time or inspiration. I've also been practicing anatomical structures of animals and wings, as well as colors. Here are some of my current sketches, doodles and scribbles.
A mommy and her children. From a photograph I found online (in-progress)
This is from a dream I had in Spain, the picture is in progress
I just like the look of the black pen on the beige paper :)
I had to pull over to write/sketch this one. Extremely sudden inspiration.
Wing tutorial on DeviantArt
Left- From an art book I have about color // Right- Random thoughts
Working on facial structure of different animals
Wolf anatomy from tutorial found on DeviantArt
I kind of wish I had more time to write lately. I've been able to slip in the occasional sketch or doodle, even a random quick writing of current thoughts, but I haven't really had the chance to sit down and write. It's a process for me. Joseph can just pull a little book out of his pockets and scrawl to his heart's content, I cannot. Maybe writing comes more naturally to him, but I have never been able to write without mental preparation. Ah well, life will settle and I can get back to writing.
*The sky is over...*